Wortley Road Junior School at Chapeltown L.M.S. station, day trip to Belle Vue Zoo, Manchester.  June 1949.

Starting from the back, left to right. Mrs. Loftus

Mrs. Millward, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs. Hill (teacher)

Mrs, Anderson, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Wydle, Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Burgin, Mrs. Unwin, Mrs. Portman, Mrs. Helliwell

Marrie Dickinson, Olive Millward, Pat Dunwell, Maureen Maidment, Joan Callaghan, Christine Wragg

Ann Howell, Rita Grimmer

Graham Kirk, Alan Grimmer, Ian Brook, Peter Woodward, Colin Wheeler

Kathleen Loftus, Margery Lightfoot, Doreen or Irene Wydle, Brian Hague, Alan Higgins

Mrs. Davis, Doris Randall, Beryl Lakin, Christine Bailey, Mrs. Croft

Jeanette Pickering, Pat French, Juliet Helliwell, Alice Martin, Christine Ireton.

Image Details

Archiving Reference Number MB001/ 001
Date 1949
Search Year 1949
Type Photograph
Contributor/s Mary Birch
Area Chapeltown
Collection Holder Mary Birch
Date Donated to the EDA 1st November 2023

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